Wycliffe Relief and Development Foundation

The Wycliffe Relief and Development Foundation is a registered charity.
We demonstrate Christian compassion and provide relief to groups of people who are disadvantaged and suffering.
Generally we only engage with communities where related organisations or partners are operating. This way we can be sure that our involvement is effective and efficient.

Donations to the Foundation are tax deductible for Australian taxpayers.
All donations are processed by Wycliffe Bible Translators Australia.

Click here to donate where it’s needed most

PNG – Medical Equipment for PNG Locals

The SIL medical clinic at Ukarumpa in PNG provides services to the local community in the surrounding Aiyura valley. WRDF has from time to time provided needed medical equipment to make their work more effective. This iteration of our support is to enable purchase of a foetal Heart Rate monitor and airways suction device. The
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0.0% of $3,400 funded

South Asia 1 – Farmer Development

The community being helped by this project are marginalised from the mainstream of their society by language, low levels of education and social structure. They have a low standard of living and depend heavily on farming and agriculture for their livelihood. Our project partner has already initiated work in this community and has established a
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50.0% of $17,825 funded

South Asia 1 – Multilingual Education

This community has long been marginalised and dispossessed by mainstream society in this South Asia country. The children of this community are provided with state-run schooling that is undertaken in the state language but, unfortunately, this language is foreign to the children. This means that the children struggle to understand their teachers and this often
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52.1% of $9,600 funded

Philippines – Mayoyao MLE

The aim of this project is to complete a Multilingual Education (MLE) project that was commenced in a local rural community in the Philippines in 2017 and halted in 2020 due to the COVID Pandemic. Local schoolteachers and leaders have been urging for the project to be reactivated and completed. The project will involve a
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40.8% of $49,000 funded

PNG – Deaf Literacy

Deaf children in PNG are trapped in a growing crisis of language deprivation. Recent government policies dismantled dedicated deaf units that offered crucial language access and role models for deaf children. This well-intended decision has harmed deaf communities by isolating deaf children from their deaf peers in school. The resulting isolation leaves many deaf children
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45.4% of $35,000 funded

Philippines – Community Growth

We have joined with Wycliffe Philippines as they plan to assist a tribal community in Palawan province. This community is truly marginalised and suffers from a number of challenges. Householders have no reliable legal source of income but they do have local, natural products that they could develop for sale in nearby cities. Marriage of
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14.6% of $56,000 funded

Multilingual Education DR Congo

It’s an all too familiar story, young children dropping out of school because they must learn the basic subjects in a language they do not speak. However, in a remote, peaceful region of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), this trend is being reversed. Ngbaka language communities are proud of their language and comprise 1.5
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46.9% of $55,000 funded

YMA – Water tanks

This project is being undertaken by our Papua New Guinea partner organisation called the Young Missionary Alliance (YMA). The members of the organisation are young, energetic and influential professional Christian Papua New Guineans with a real heart for helping the country and its citizens in practical ways. This is a follow up project to an
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5.8% of $30,000 funded

Bangladesh – Literacy and Empowerment

SIL Bangladesh has been one of WRDF’s foundational partners, achieving goals in literacy and improving the livelihoods of communities in various locations in Bangladesh. Together, we have moved into new projects in new locations in Bangladesh, continuing to work among low income, marginalised rural communities that currently feel powerless and therefore have little hope for
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80.0% of $60,000 funded

South Asia 1 – Education and community empowerment

Generations of illiteracy, lack of education, and social isolation among minority groups in this country in South Asia have led to increased poverty and alienation from the rest of society. The aim of this project is to bring hope to multiple impoverished communities by creating learning centres and running awareness and advocacy meetings, health events,
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9.8% of $60,000 funded
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